Miraculous Tips for Early Marriage

Miraculous Tips for Early Marriage

Marriage is said to be one of the most ancient sacred processes of society and not only this but, this marriage is also said to be one of the life-changing points in each and every person’s life. Because, after this sacred occasion there is the starting point for a whole new life for both the couples because, this sacred occasion is also called as the journey and this occasion is provided this much importance in all culture because it is not just any occasion it used in order integrate two different souls into one. And in order to do so most important part is being played by the feeling of love. And due to this reason, it also becomes one of the most unpredictable journeys because, in this feeling of love problems are said to be one of the most common parts but, the marriage is a very long journey due to which you cannot say anything about marriage.

Reasons Behind Delay in Marriage:-

This occasion of marriage is said totally depended on the factor of the astrology and due to this reason, it is obvious that astrology is the only factor which will affect on your this cause of your marriage. Sometimes it is said that it is depended on the factor of luck but, it can also be the factors like the black magic cast on you, placement of your planets, and its effect on your zodiac signs which affect your Kundli which is mainly responsible for your marriage or you can also be under the effect of vashikaran cast on you. And when any person faces problems in this kind of feelings then he or she starts to feel depressed and due to this reason all you have to do is solve your problems related to planets with the help of astrologers

Remedies to avoid delay in marriage

  • If you are thinking about the early marriage of any girl then you should keep in mind that she has to do sixteen consecutive fast on Monday’s due to which she would be able to neglect the bad effect of thee planets and after that, she also has prayed to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati in order to get married soon this way can help you the most.
  • In order to get married early the girl should recite the following verse:

ओम कात्यायनी महाभोग महायोगिनिभिषारिम

नन्द गोप सुतम् देवि पतिम मे कुरुते नमः

And if the above is not useful then you should surely try the below provided verse because it is the only verse that can help you:

हे गौरी शंकरा अर्धांगिनी यथा तव शंकर प्रिया

तत् मा कुरु कलानि कान्त कान्तं सुदूर लभाम
  • If you are already get delayed for marriage then in order to get fast you should provide green grass to cows regularly it can help you.
  • Recite this very of Saint Tuldias for one hundred eight times a day:-
तब जनक पाइ वशिष्ठ आयसु बियाह साज समवरी की,
मांडवी श्रुतकेरति उर्मिला कुमारा लाई हांकरी की।
  • If you are getting late in your marriage and don’t want to get more delay then you should provide the water to Sacred fig plant for forty-five days.
  • It is said that since the primitive period of time people believed that if you bath with something pure in your water then you will surely have something positive happening with your life. And then you should use turmeric and water and should make the paste and put it on your head this will may help you to.

What to avoid

  • You should not take any kind of astrological gems or machines without the guidance of an astrologer because you would not know how it will affect you.
  • If you are taking two astrologers service at a single period of them then it won’t provide you result in you should only concern only one at a time.
  • You should avoid any kind of debate from your any elder like mother or father.
  • According to the viewpoint of Vastu shastra you have to take a note that the kitchen should not be in the southeast position.
  • You should not sleep on the metal cot.
  • In order to avoid late marriage you should not keep the mirror any near your bed room and instead of that, you should keep the photograph of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

So, these were the details regarding your marriage that you should know in order to get married in time. So, if you are facing any kind of problems in getting married or is it problems related to the feeling of love then you should instantly contact the Love Problem Solution in Ahmedabad in order to get any kind of help in this field of astrology because according to our survey of the year 2021 he is the only astrologer who can help you in this situation of your life.

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