Things to Keep in Mind When Preparing for the Class 10 Science CBSE Exam

Things to Keep in Mind When Preparing for the Class 10 Science CBSE Exam


Studying for the CBSE science exam can be difficult, but doing well on it can help you establish a fantastic future ahead of you. CBSE science board examination is significant in determining which subject to pursue in the future. Thus, you must prepare well for them. In this article, we have covered things to keep in mind when preparing for the CBSE class 10 science exam.

Things to keep in mind when preparing for the class 10 science CBSE exam 

  • Prepare a schedule

It is critical to give yourself plenty of time to prepare for the science board examination. Make a timetable and stick to it. Comprehensively acquaint yourself with the exam syllabus and plan appropriately. Create a schedule for yourself so that you can determine when you need to study and what topic you have to study.

  • Study in a calm environment

Distractions and loud noises should be avoided while studying. Keep phones and other electronic gadgets out of sight so that you can focus on your studies. Strive to determine a time and location where you are most efficient and productive.

  • Prioritise important chapters

Begin by prioritising crucial chapters so that you can ensure a better comprehension of the subject. Cover important topics thoroughly before moving on to other areas where you need less time, either because you are more familiar with the topic or because it has less weightage in the examinations. Consider devoting extra attention to topics and practising class 10 science MCQs of the difficult chapters. Highlight passages, take notes, bookmark pages, and re-read the topic to grasp it properly.

  • Test yourself

When you’ve covered the entire syllabus, put your knowledge to the test by going through the previous year’s questions. This allows you to assess your knowledge, find ways to improve and concentrate on topics that may require more time. Strive to complete MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Metals and Non-Metals and other chapters MCQs in a setting and period similar to the main exam to get familiar with the structure. Challenging yourself assists in strengthening your knowledge, which can help reduce stress during exam time.

  • Revision is important

Before the examinations, it is critical to revise. To save time, prepare charts or flashcards of important topics or formulas during preparation time so that revision can be done quickly.

  • Draw diagrams wherever needed

Even if the question does not precisely mention it, drawing a diagram has several advantages. It allows you to see the important characteristics of a question as well as the missing element that need to be addressed. Creating a diagram has the significant advantage of placing all the relevant information on paper.


CBSE class 10 science is a top-scoring subject. As a result, a comprehensive preparation method is required to get excellent results in CBSE class 10 examinations. Keep these points in mind while you prepare for the CBSE class 10 science exam, and your path to scoring more than 90% in Science will become much easier.

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